Thursday - 13/09/2018
Session 1: General Conditions | Prof. Gunnar Stiesch | MAN Energy Solutions SE |
Quo Vadis Large-Bore Engine – Endangered Species or Persistent Power Unit? | Dr. Marko Dekena | AVL List GmbH |
Clean Marine Fuels – Prerequisite for an efficient On-Board Emission Reduction | Prof. Bert Buchholz | LKV, University of Rostock |
Session 2: Fuels 2020 | Dr. Frank Starke | Caterpillar Motoren GmbH & Co. KG |
Fuel Flexibility with MAN Engines in View of 2020 0.50% Sulfur Regulations | Prof. Gunnar Stiesch | MAN Energy Solutions SE |
Combustion Quality of low-sulfur Marine Fuels after 2020 – will be better or worse? | Prof. Koji Takasaki | Kyushu University |
Emission Reduction Options from the Point of View of the Port Operator Rostock | Jens Scharner | ROSTOCK PORT GmbH |
Session 3: Engine Manufacturers and Development Service Providers | Prof. Andreas Wimmer | LEC / TU Graz |
Technology Evaluation to Comply with Future Challenges in the Marine | Dr. Udo Schlemmer-Kelling | FEV Europe GmbH |
Cylinder pressure based closed loop Combustion Controls, the Enabler for good Performance in medium-speed lean burn Gas Engines | Jari Hyvonen | Wärtsilä Marin Power Solutions Finland |
Session 4: Exhaust Aftertreatment Systems | Günther Gern | former WTZ Roßlau gGmbH |
L‘ONOX – Urea Dosing System for Lagre Engines | Markus Aberle | Woodward L’Orange GmbH |
The new Generation of high-speed MTU Genset Engines with Exhaust Aftertreatment: Challenges and Solutions | Dr. Daniel Chatterjee | Rolls-Royce Power Systems AG |
Experiences from the Construction, Supervision and Operation of the Installation of new Engines with Exhaust Aftertreatment at the RV “Heincke” | Lothar Meinders | Briese Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG |
Friday - 14/09/2018
Session 5: Basic Research | Prof. Bert Buchholz | LKV, University of Rostock |
Physicochemical Effects and Understanding of Ignition and Combustion in Dual-Fuel Engines | Chistophe Barro | LAV, ETH Zürich |
Clean Marine Fuels – Prerequisite for an efficient On-Board Emission Reduction | Prof. Bert Buchholz | LKV, University of Rostock |
eta-up – Reduction of parasitic Losses of medium-speed Diesel Engines | Dr. Martin Reißig | FVTR GmbH |
Session 6: Engine Component Manufacturers | Prof. Peter Eilts | IVB, TU Braunschweig |
From Biggest to Smallest Injection Quantities – OMT Common Rail Technology for Low-and Medium-Speed Engines | Dr. Marco Coppo | OMT SpA |
Injection Systems for China Marine Emissions and Measures to Improve the Fuel Consumption | Dr. Bernhard Pemp | Robert Bosch AG |
Single-stage Turbocharging for highest Pressure Conditions – Challenges and Solutions | Dr. Silvio Risse | Kompressorenbau Bannewitz GmbH |
Session 7: Dual-Fuel- and Gas Engines | Prof. Konstantinos Boulouchos | LAV, ETH Zürich |
Investigation of the Influence of different Methods of Water Supply on the Combustion Process of Dual-Fuel Engines | Karsten Stenzel | WTZ Roßlau gGmbH |
Skip Firing in Medium Speed Dual-Fuel Engines: Detailed Assessment and Engine Performance Optimization in Compliance with IMO Tier III | Johannes Konrad | IFA, TU Wien |
Formation and Avoidance of Crankcase Explosions in large Oil, Dual-Fuel and Gas Engines | Dr. Horst Brünnet | SCHALLER Automation Industrielle Automationstechnik GmbH & Co. KG |
Session 8: Large Engines in Stationary Applications | Prof. Christian Fink | HS Wismar |
Power-Heat Cogeneration – Market Demand and optimized Solutions with Caterpillar 10 MW Gas Engine G20CM34 | Dr. Michael Sturm | Caterpillar Motoren GmbH & Co. KG |
Development of Large Gas Engines for highly flexible Use in the Power Plant of the Future | Dr. Jan Zelenka | LEC Graz |
Final Remarks and Farewell | Prof. Horst Harndorf | LKV, University of Rostock |